Gallo Pinto: The National Dish of Costa Rica

 The food of Costa Rica is almost always very fresh and traditional. The most popular dish is called Gallo Pinto, which translates to "spotted rooster," because it resembles the spotted feathers on a rooster's chest. According to The Costa Rica Star, the dish was brought to Costa Rica by Jamaican immigrants who mixed rice and beans with the meat of a rooster in order to feed the most people possible. The dish gained popularity over the decades, and now it is a stable of Costa Rican cuisine. 

      Gallo Pinto is usually eaten with eggs during breakfast, but we have eaten it during lunch and dinner, too. A few days ago, Flaco, who cooks all of our meals here at ABC de la Vida, taught us how to make this delicious dish. Below is his recipe for Gallo Pinto in both Spanish and English. Enjoy, and let me know in the comments if you try this recipe!

In English:

Flaco's Recipe for Gallo Pinto


  1. 2-3 stalks of celery
  2. one red bell pepper    
  3. cilantro
  4. one small onion
  5. a clove of garlic
  6. 4 Tbs of vegetable oil 
  7. salt and pepper (to taste)
  8. 1 Tbs of Lizano salsa
  9. 2-3 cups of white rice
  10. 2-3 cups of black beans
  1. Cook rice and black beans the night before. Do not drain the black beans. Refrigerate both overnight. 
  2. Chop up the celery, bell pepper, cilantro, garlic, and onion into fine pieces. In a pan, cook them on the stovetop with oil. 
  3. Add beans to the pan. Rewarm the beans by allowing them to sit on medium heat for about two minutes, stirring occasionally. 
  4. Add rice to the pan. Then add a few spoonfuls of the bean juice, too (optional). Add salt and pepper to taste. 
  5. Cover and let sit on low heat until ready to eat. Enjoy!

In  Spanish: 

Lizano Salsa, a popular
condiment in Costa Rica
La Receta Para Gallo Pinto de Flaco

  1. 2-3 tallos de apio 
  2. un chile dulce rojo
  3. cilantro 
  4. una cebolla miniatura 
  5. uno poquito de ajo
  6. 4 Tbs de aciete
  7. sal al gusto
  8. pimienta al gusto 
  9. 1 Tbs de salsa de Lizano 
  10. 2-3 tazas de arroz blanco 
  11. 2-3 tazas de frijoles negras
  1. Cocine el arroz y los frijoles negros la noche anterior. No drene los frijoles negros. Refrigere ambos durante la noche. 
  2. Pica el apio, el pimiento, el cilantro, el ajo, y la cebolla en piezas finas. En una sartén, cocínelos con aceite en la estufa. 
  3. Agregue los frijoles a la sartén. Vuelva a calentar los frijoles dejándolos reposar a fuego medio por dos minutos, revolviendo ocasionalmente. 
  4. Agrega arroz a la sartén. Luego, agregue algunas cucharadas de jugo de frijoles, también (opcional). Añadir sal y pimienta al gusto. 
  5. Cúbrela y déjela a fuego medio hasta que llegue la hora de comer. ¡Disfruta!

For more information about the history of Gallo Pinto, visit The Afro Costa Rican Heritage of Gallo Pinto - Costa Rica Star News

Lopez, Jamie. "The Afro Costa Rican Heritage of Gallo Pinto." The Costa Rica Star, 31 August 2015. Accessed 26 February 2021. 


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